It is a luminous audio video installation that aims to bring attention to the extreme contrasts that our society is going through; a three-dimensional heart projected on the central circle, minimal and without color but pulsating, which governs the movement of light and the pulsation of sound.
Standing Nowhere
An animation of the visual and sound space that invites a broader vision of the human “dimension” and at the same time an observation of everyone’s interior, the “heart”, the engine that gives life to each individual and allows our functioning on different vital levels. The heart, a symbol of union and non-division, as a common element of humanity.
An invitation to observe and explore a variety of points of view that the viewer can discover by moving inside and outside the installation. Not being anywhere but being everywhere at the same time.
“Standing Nowhere, Being Everywhere” There is an ongoing war between our open heart that wants to reach out to the world and closed mind that wants to protect us… Overcoming the prejudice and contribute to the betterment of society “[Ram Dass]
DateApril 9, 2022
Site specific Installation -
Concept - Design by Ka:lu
Museo arte contemporanea - Rocca di Umbertide (IT)
9th April - 1st May 2022